IGSC Workshop

The Eötvös Student Chapter in SEG took part in organizing one of the workshops of the 5th International Students Geological Conference in Budapest 24-27 April 2014.
The "Structural styles in the fold and thrust belts and their relevance for the Hydrocarbon Exploration" workshop was supported by MOL Plc. and held by Dr. Zsolt Schléder structural geologist at OMV Petrom. This workshop largely focused on one element of the fold and thrust belts system, the trap geometry, and its evolution. Using a number of seismic reflection data from multiple fold belts, the 40 participants went through typical pitfalls in interpreting trap geometries (types of folds, viable thrust, and related hangingwall geometries). To further illustrate the development of structures, animations of both sand-box and numerical models were presented and discussed.
ISCG Workshop
ISCG Workshop
