Young Professional Meeting - Dávid Szabó & Tamás Lukács

At the Young Professional Meeting, two recent graduates, Dávid Szabó and Tamás Lukács talked about their professional life after university and where they are now.
During his presentation, Dávid Szabó spoke about how he turned from being a student interested in the oil industry and then an applied geophysicist to a remote sensing geophysicist at the Lechner Knowledge Center. He explained to the audience the basics of photogrammetry and the practical application of this method in his work.
Tamás Lukács is currently a geophysicist at the Mining and Geological Survey of Hungarian, where his work focuses on shallow geophysics, deep drilling geophysics, and rock physics. During his presentation, the audience was given an insight into how he became a geophysicist, his experiences abroad during his studies, and his (field)work experience. The program ended with a more informal discussion in a nearby catering establishment.
The lecture was held in an unusual hybrid format, allowing interested students to participate in person or online.
Young Professional Meeting - Dávid Szabó & Tamás Lukács
Young Professional Meeting - Dávid Szabó & Tamás Lukács
