Young Professional Meeting - Zsóka Kiss & Bálint Magyar

The Eötvös Student Chapter continues its successful series of Young Professional Meetings, where Zsóka Kiss and Bálint Magyar talked about career building after graduation.
Zsóka Kiss is currently working as a supervisor at Elgoscar-2000 Ltd., an environmental technology and water management company. During her presentation, she gave a detailed introduction to the company, her responsibilities, and the different work processes involved.
Our second speaker was Bálint Magyar, who is currently working as a geophysical researcher at the Cosmic Geodesy Observatory in Penc, Hungary. The research institute performs various remote sensing tasks, including the calibration of geodetic instruments.
Young Professional Meeting 2019 - Zsóka Kiss & Bálint Magyar
Young Professional Meeting 2019 - Zsóka Kiss & Bálint Magyar
