Workshop - Pore fluid

The monthly organized workshops of the Eötvös Student Chapter (ESC) are simultaneously held by a current geophysics student and an industry professional. Following this concept, the presenters on our first workshop were Melinda Koncz (recently graduated MSc student) and Gábor Kocsis (AVO specialist, MOL Group).
Firstly, Melinda Koncz presented her MSc thesis about pore fluid and lithology determination based on AVO depth trends. Then, Gábor Kocsis held his presentation about pre-stack data processing and pore fluid exchange & modeling. The curious audience - mostly geophysics and geology students - could also see a few case studies, showing potential hydrocarbon reservoirs delineated by the methods presented before.
We would like to say thanks to the more than 30 visitors to our first ever workshop and hope we will see them at our future events too!
Workshop - Pore fluid
Workshop - Pore fluid
