Workshop - Seismic method

The topic of our third workshop was related to a classical geophysical method: seismic acquisition and data processing. Although reflection seismology has a long history, this time we could enjoy two up-to-date presentations by one of our recently graduated MSc. student, Dóra Polgár, and an oil industry expert, Gábor Göncz.
At first, Gábor Göncz compared 2D and 3D seismic and focused on the challenges of different acquisition arrays. He also examined state-of-the-art techniques in his presentation, such as 3C seismic surveys or seabed monitoring. Then Dóra Polgár presented her MSc thesis, based on sparse sampled 3D seismic. She showed that this cheaper solution could work satisfyingly for certain engineering geophysical projects, compared with normal acquisition arrays.
The presentations were followed by an intensive discussion, between the presenters and the audience.
Workshop - Seismic Method
Workshop - Seismic Method
