Workshop - Geodynamics

We have devoted this workshop to geodynamics: how and which mechanisms can be modeled in the laboratory and what are the main geodynamic processes in the Pannonian Basin.
Based on the concept of workshops, Ágnes Király - a recently graduated MSc student, now PhD student at Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy - and Frank Horváth, Professor Emeritus of our department were the experts of this topic. After a short introduction of analog and experimental modeling, Ágnes Király presented the results of a subduction zone model, highlighting the scaling problem and the importance of the type of materials used. Dynamic topography processes above an estimated mantle plume were delineated. The geodynamic model of our region - the Alps-Carpathians-Dinarides area - was demonstrated based on seismic tomography, paleomagnetic and geodetic data, and also the evolution of the Pannonian Basin was reconstructed in the lecture of Professor Horváth.
There was quite a good turn-out among the geologists and geochemists, e.g. Professor Szabolcs Harangi - geochemist at Eötvös University - also attended the workshop.
Workshop - Geodynamics
Workshop - Geodynamics
